Frá Italia Trasporto Aereo flugfélagi til Alitalia hollustuverðlauna

Mögulegur óbeinn samningur við Framsfl

Is an agreement with ITA possible? In theory, yes, said Lazzerini. In fact, the EU prohibits the direct transfer of Loyalty from Alitalia to ITA. But it does not block the possibility for a third company that wins the loyalty program to subsequently enter into an agreement with the new ITA, bringing as a dowry the approximately 5 million customers, their contacts, and details considered interesting from a commercial point of view. This is a step that will take place only at the conclusion of the sale announcement, which, at present, could take a few months.

Þarf að nota tryggðarverðlaun áður en Alitalia er farin?

As ITA says goodbye to the Alitalia loyalty card program, is it worth it to use the accumulated miles now? According to several experts consulted by, the loyalty card situation could be an advantageous solution, because it would allow to reduce (or reset) the number of miles on the owner of loyalty card and, therefore, also exposure to a new owner.

It is suggested, however, to use these miles by October 14, the last day of activity scheduled for Alitalia. This is because the new ITA airline should take off from October 15.

100 milljóna endurgreiðsluáætlun ríkisstjórnarinnar ESB

What if the miles have not been used for flights by October 15? Lazzerini said that in theory, at that point the reimbursement and re-routing program of the government should take over, which has allocated 100 million euros to meet all those passengers who have purchased a ticket with Alitalia for travel after October 14.

This is because those who used the miles for flights, when Alitalia will no longer be there, still has a ticket with initial numbering 055 in their hands. But the details of this measure to protect consumers will be known when the Ministry of Economic Development publishes the lines intervention.

Möguleikinn á vildarkerfum Air France eða KLM eða Delta Air Lines

Can miles be loaded onto other loyalty cards? This is among the options suggested by the experts. Since it is not known who will run out of loyalty rewards, the traveler of an Alitalia ticket could choose where to credit the miles generated by the flight, again by October 14 with an Italian company within the SkyTeam alliance and having different code-share connection agreements. MilleMiglia points could, for example, be loaded – if required by the agreements – on the loyalty programs of Air France or KLM or Delta Air Lines. At that point, the traveler could later redeem the award travel with those companies’ programs.


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Mario Masciullo - eTN Ítalía

Mario er öldungur í ferðageiranum.
Reynsla hans nær um allan heim síðan 1960 þegar hann 21 árs að aldri byrjaði að skoða Japan, Hong Kong og Tæland.
Mario hefur séð ferðaþjónustu heimsins þróast upp til dagsins og orðið vitni að því
eyðileggingu á rótinni / vitnisburður um fortíð fjölda landa í þágu nútímans / framfara.
Undanfarin 20 ár hefur ferðareynsla Mario einbeitt sér að Suðaustur-Asíu og seint meðal Indlandsálfu.

Hluti af starfsreynslu Mario felur í sér fjölþætta starfsemi í Flugmálum
sviðinu lauk eftir að hafa skipulagt kik off fyrir Malaysia Singapore Airlines á Ítalíu sem stofnandi og hélt áfram í 16 ár í hlutverki sölu- / markaðsstjóra Ítalíu fyrir Singapore Airlines eftir skiptingu ríkisstjórna tveggja í október 1972.

Opinbert blaðamannaleyfi Mario er af „National Order of Journalists Róm, Ítalíu árið 1977.

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