Airbus gengur frá CJIP samningi við frönsk yfirvöld

Forseti dómstólsins í París hefur samþykkt samninginn Judiciaire d'Intérêt Public (CJIP) sem undirritaður var 17. nóvember 2022 milli Airbus SE og franska Parket National Financier (PNF).

This CJIP covers past matters relating to the use of intermediaries in sales campaigns prior to 2012, in particular related to Libya and Kazakhstan. These could not be dealt with simultaneously with the 2020 CJIP for procedural reasons.

According to the CJIP approved on 30 November, Airbus will have to pay a fine of 15,856,044 Euros. There is no monitorship obligation associated with this new CJIP.

This CJIP will have no adverse impact on the 2020 settlements reached with the French, UK and US authorities in the context of their compliance investigations into Airbus.

The Company has taken significant steps since 2016 to reform itself by implementing a benchmark compliance system underpinned by an unwavering commitment to integrity and continuous improvement.


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Harry Jónsson

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