Forstjóri Vail Resorts gefur 2.5 milljónir dollara til styrktar starfsmönnum, fjallabæjum

Forstjóri Vail Resorts gefur 2.5 milljónir dollara til styrktar starfsmönnum, fjallabæjum
Rob Katz, forstjóri Vail Resorts, gefur 2.5 milljónir dollara til að styðja starfsmenn og fjallasamfélög

As individuals and communities contend with the severe impacts of COVID-19, Vail Resorts’ CEO, Rob Katz, and his wife, Elana Amsterdam, New York Times bestselling author and founder of Elana’s Pantry, today announced a donation of more than $2.5 million to provide immediate support for both Vail Resorts employees and the mountain towns where the…

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  • CEO, Rob Katz, and his wife, Elana Amsterdam, New York Times bestselling author and founder of Elana’s Pantry, today announced a donation of more than $2.
  • 5 million to provide immediate support for both Vail Resorts employees and the mountain towns where the….
  • eTurboNews greinar eru eingöngu fyrir áskrifendur.


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