Hvað er skítasta flugfélag í heimi?

Ryanair útnefndur „skítugasti“ flugrekandinn í hverju? Ferðakönnun flugfélaga
1 Afpöntun flugs hjá Ryanair gæti leitt til margra milljóna punda bótakrafna 26 1

Ryanair has been named as the ‘filthiest’ flight operator in the UK by a Which Travel survey. Just under 8,000 people were questioned in the survey and less than half of the passengers (42 percent) scored Ryanair as ‘good’ for cleanliness. A further 24 percent of those in the survey suggested that cleanliness on Ryanair…

eTurboNews greinar eru eingöngu fyrir áskrifendur. Áskrift er FRJÁLS.
Áskrifendur skrá sig hér Smelltu hér til að gerast áskrifandi ÓKEYPIS


  • A further 24 percent of those in the survey suggested that cleanliness on Ryanair….
  • Just under 8,000 people were questioned in the survey and less than half of the passengers (42 percent) scored Ryanair as ‘good’.
  • Flight operator in the UK by a Which Travel survey.


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