Eyjarnar á Bahamaeyjum sópuðu að sér 2020 verðlaunahringnum

Eyjarnar á Bahamaeyjum tilkynna uppfærðar siðareglur fyrir ferðalög og inngöngu
Mynd með leyfi Ferðamála- og flugmálaráðuneytis Bahamaeyja

Despite an unprecedented year, The Bahamas continues to position itself as a leading Caribbean travel destination and received top accolades from consumer, trade and niche vertical award shows. With its unique geography of 16 major islands and hundreds of cays, the islands appeal to travelers eager to get away and indulge in a secluded vacation….

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  • With its unique geography of 16 major islands and hundreds of cays, the islands appeal to travelers eager to get away and indulge in a secluded vacation….
  • .
  • Despite an unprecedented year, The Bahamas continues to position itself as a leading Caribbean travel destination and received top accolades from consumer, trade and niche vertical award shows.


Um höfundinn

Linda Hohnholz, ritstjóri eTN

Linda Hohnholz hefur skrifað og ritstýrt greinum frá upphafi starfsferils síns. Hún hefur beitt þessari meðfæddu ástríðu á slíkum stöðum eins og Kyrrahafsháskóla Hawaii, Chaminade háskóla, Uppgötvunarmiðstöð Hawaii barna og nú TravelNewsGroup.

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