Antigua og Barbuda fagna hetjum í ferðaþjónustu á Black Pineapple verðlaununum

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Ferðamálayfirvöld Antígva og Barbúda (ABTA), sölu- og markaðsteymi Bandaríkjanna með forstjóra ABTA, Colin C. James
Skrifað af Linda Hohnholz

Antigua and Barbuda celebrated the success of a record-breaking year in Tourism by hosting the inaugural annual Black Pineapple Awards Ceremony in New York on Wednesday, December 4th. The Black Pineapple Awards – eponymous to the Black Pineapple that is only found in Antigua – were created solely to honor the partners, tour operators, resorts,…

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  • The Black Pineapple Awards – eponymous to the Black Pineapple that is only found in Antigua – were created solely to honor the partners, tour operators, resorts,….
  • Antigua and Barbuda celebrated the success of a record-breaking year in Tourism by hosting the inaugural annual Black Pineapple Awards Ceremony in New York on Wednesday, December 4th.
  • Áskrift er ÓKEYPIS.


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Linda Hohnholz

Aðalritstjóri fyrir eTurboNews með aðsetur í eTN HQ.

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